Terms and Conditions for Digital Web Cares


● Digital Web Cares works with its clients in a professional, timely, and favorable . The following mentioned terms and conditions shall apply to any trading contract or other agreement or arrangement between the Client and Digital Web Cares. By partnering with Digital Web Cares, all the clients will be accepting the following terms and conditions:.


  1. Digital Web Cares agrees to deliver services as consented to in the signed contractor statement of work ("SOW").
  2. The precise services and deliverables will be summarized in the SOW, which mayinvolve but is not restricted to Website Development, App Development, DataServices, Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-click (PPC) Content Marketing,and Social Media Marketing.
  3. The company will work to its best practices and expertise to provide the servicesin an expert and punctual manner.

Client Obligations
●The Client must agree to provide the required information, access, and cooperation needed by our company to achieve the agreed-upon services
● The Client is accountable for the legality, accuracy, and dependability of any content, materials, or data provided for use in the marketing campaigns.
● The Client must agree to promptly check and approve all the deliverables provided by our team and to give feedback or request revisions on time.

Fees and Payments
● The Client agrees to pay the fees mentioned in the contract or as otherwise agreed upon.

● Invoices shall be provided by Digital Web Cares timely, and the Client must agree to make the payments within the agreed-upon timeframe.

Intellectual Property
● Any pre-existing intellectual belongings of the Parties shall remain the exclusive property of that particular Party.
● We, Digital Web Cares, grant the client a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use any intellectual property constructed especially for the client's marketing, solely for the term of this Agreement.

● The client and us, i.e. Digital Web Cares agree to keep confidential any proprietary or liable information unveiled by either Party during the Agreement.
●This confidentiality of the information shall prevail over the termination of this Agreement.

● Either Party may end this Agreement upon documented notice if the other Party breaches any condition of this Agreement.

● In the circumstance of termination, the client shall remunerate for all services delivered up to the effective date of termination.

Limitation of Liability
● Digital Web Cares shall not be responsible for any arbitrary, indirect, consequential, or disciplinary damages occurring out of or in association with the services provided, even if our company has been advised of the prospect of such damages.

Privacy Rights
● Information such as name, email address, contact numbers, and website URL that the clients provide will be kept confidential by Digital Web Cares and not be revealed to any third party, without their consent. Nevertheless, the data will be made privy to the employees of Digital Web Cares.
● Digital Web Cares will take appropriate precautions to control the loss, misuse, or modification of client’s confidential information
● The transfer of information over the internet is intrinsically insecure, and any type of security in this regard cannot be confirmed by Digital Web Cares.

Digital Web Cares holds the liberty to modify or alter the above terms and conditions at any given point in time, involving the time of an ongoing agreement. All the changes in the terms and conditions will be communicated to the clients.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our practices, please contact us at Kumar@digitalwebcares.com .

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy
We collect the minimum amount of information about you that is commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. This policy indicates the type of processes that may result in data being collected about you. Your use of this website gives us the right to collect that information.
